Importance Of Cyber Security

Should you worry about sensitive business or personal data falling into the wrong hands? Learn why cyber security is vital for data protection.

Cyber security is a major concern for every person who uses technology on a daily basis. Often, personally identifiable information (PII) is used by cyber criminals to steal the identities of individuals. However, many cyber criminals also target entire organizations. Attacks on corporations can cause major losses for business owners. They can also leave the United States as a whole vulnerable. Cyber security breaches and digital information theft on a large scale can lead to economic instability. It can also compromise protected information and personnel.

In the business world, cyber security is essential to protect such information as financial data and trade secrets. If you own a business, you know the importance of keeping such data safe. Understanding what cyber security is and how it works is one step in that battle. You must also utilize the right tools and take the proper steps to provide extra cyber protection for your company.

What is Cyber Security?

The need for security is nothing new. A desire to keep personal possessions safe has existed for as long as humans have had personal possessions. In modern times, that has led to the use of house and car alarms, among other personal security features. It is also the reason banks have used vaults and businesses have used safes or locked filing cabinets for years. 

Cyber security is an extension of general security that became necessary as technology has evolved. It is the practice of taking measures to keep non-physical property safe. That is data stored digitally on devices like cell phones and computers. It can include protecting intellectual property, such as typed manuscripts or business secrets. However, it is most often associated with identity theft protection or protection of financial data.

The implementation of cyber security takes many forms. Creating intricate passwords and changing them frequently is one aspect of cyber security. Another is frequently updating software to maintain the latest security measures. Scanning computers and individual websites for security threats is also a vital part of keeping data safe while performing online tasks. The more secure cyber activities are, the harder it becomes for thieves to break through those security measures.

Why is Cyber Security Important?

Hackers and cyber thieves frequently try to break into computer systems, cellphones, and other devices. Once they do so, they can steal, alter, or destroy a wide range of information. The theft of that information can leave victims personally vulnerable to physical attacks. It can also leave companies vulnerable to data breaches. In addition to immediate consequences, cyber attacks can also have far-reaching future consequences. For example, they can give thieves access to financial data, allowing them to steal large sums of money. Common data stolen, erased, or altered during cyber attacks includes:

  • Business Files

  • Tax Information

  • Banking Information

  • Street Addresses

  • Telephone Numbers

  • Credit Card Numbers

How Do You Learn Cyber Security Basics?

If you want to learn cyber security basics, there are several ways to do it. One option is to enroll in an in-person or online course in cyber security for business owners. You can also get updated tips on maintaining cyber security from several U.S. government agencies. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) offers information on the subject, as does the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

What Steps Can You Take Immediately to Improve Cyber Security for Your Company?

The most important step to take to improve cyber security within your company is to educate every employee. Make sure you hold frequent meetings about cyber security threats and updates. Also, take steps to prevent employees from falling for email phishing or other cyber scams. You can also call a professional cyber security service to update your computer network with the best security features currently available for businesses. Doing so may help prevent external data theft, as well as internal data theft or accidental compromising of important information.

What Are Some Websites and Tools That Can Help You Check the Security of Your Website?

If your business has a website, keeping it safe and secure is vital. Similarly, it is important to make sure websites your employees visit are trusted and secure. There are many tools and websites that can help you do that. Several of them are free to use. Here are some of the top free options:

  • Sucuri SiteCheck scans websites for malware. It also checks for certain viruses. Additionally, it can detect some website errors. A user can check websites using the free SiteCheck tool easily by entering the URLs of interest and clicking on the “scan website” button.

  • SSL Trust can check to see if a website has been blacklisted. It also includes a tool that checks to see if the SSL Security Certificate of a given website is expired. SSL Trust also scans many different databases to see if a website has a good reputation. A user may also check domain names for histories of sending spam.

  • Mozilla Observatory is a multi-functional site scanning tool. It checks the redirections, content security policies, cookies, and other features of any website scanned. Users receive a score for the website scanned. The score indicates the level of security the website has. Business owners can use the tool to scan their own websites for security flaws. They can also scan any other websites they potentially wish to visit.

  • UpGuard Web Scan has multiple useful security features for business owners. It scans websites, as well as email addresses for security risks. UpGuard also provides malware and phishing protection. Its network security and brand protection features also help companies stay more secure. 

  • Termshub Web Cookie Scanner is a multifaceted security tool. It includes cookie vulnerability and malware scanning options. The tool produces a vulnerabilities report that details any possible issues with a particular domain name.

How Can You Stay Smart About Cyber Security?

There are two important steps you can take to stay smart about cyber security as a business owner. First, do not ignore security basics. For example, do not open emails from unfamiliar sources without checking their validity. Second, recognize the ever-changing nature of cyber security. New security threats and new measures to protect against them are constantly appearing. Keep software up-to-date and stay informed about the latest cyber security measures. Doing so can help you keep yourself and your business as safe as possible.